Upcoming Events

More Information for events can be found under the "upcoming events" tab. You can also click the button below to sign up for any upcoming events. Make sure you are following us on social media to stay up to date on all information.


More Information for events can be found under the "upcoming events" tab. You can also click the button below to sign up for any upcoming events. Make sure you are following us on social media to stay up to date on all information.


Every year we take our students to Shepherd's Fold Ranch in Avant for a weekend Retreat (imagine summer camp crammed into a weekend). After a year of covering spiritual disciplines, we're going to spend the weekend reminding students that "Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us." (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). So to celebrate all of the growth that our students have had this school year and God's unfolding grace, we'll be having a banquet at the end of the weekend. Spring Retreat is a great opportunity to plug in and grow your relationship with God and other students. You can click the link below for more information and to sign up.

Wednesday nights

We meet upstairs at the Church from 6:00-7:30 pm every Wednesday. Join us for games, worship with our student band, teaching and small group time that applies to your life, and community that everyone needs!  

Sunday night Small groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

We host small group gatherings for Middle School and High School every Sunday Night. It's an awesome time for teens to get to know each other better and build relationships that make an impact on their faith journey.
Check our "Upcoming Events" tab for house addresses and more information and times for Sunday Night Small Groups

Current Wednesday Night Series

Our Wednesday night series will run through the entire School Year this year! We will introduce and equip our students with different spiritual practices to provide them with ways to connect with God that they may have not thought about or ever tried.

In John 15, Jesus says "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." Our faith is only ever as strong as your connection to the Father, but even with a strong connection our faith needs structure to thrive- just like grapes need support to grow. These spiritual disciplines provide us with support so our faith and connection to God can continue to thrive. The goal isn't for students to practice all 20 spiritual disciplines every day- but for them to experience different ways to support their faith and to chase after the ones that resonate with them.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.